We believe CANDiY can change the world.

Our Story

For us as humans, not merely as consumers.
CANDiY team thought that Notice & Consent is a human technology interaction problem at its core, requiring an interdisciplinary group of experts from the design and technology sectors to solve it.

To solve this situation, we decided to gather designers, psychologists, and data privacy experts to form a team and improve the current problems through academic convergence.

“user-centered design(HCD) is a philosophy based on the needs and interests of the user, with an emphasis on making products usable and understandable. Also, HCD is inherently interdisciplinary, interleaving psychology, cognitive science, anthropology, and human-computer interaction into both research practice and professional specialization. - The Design of Everyday Things(Don Norman)

CANDiY team analyzed users from a human-centric perspective instead of a corporate-centered perspective. It was thoroughly viewed from a user-centered perspective, such as what users want in the app, how they can use the app, and why they agree to data.

Accordingly, CANDiY team members of various academic bases gave multiple opinions based on their major and created the current UI/UX design through interdisciplinary interaction.

Our Progress

The opportunity of an alternative approach : why we need human-centered design?

Our Place

CANDiY continues to make new paths.

We have collected the CANDIY team's processes on MyData and user-centric services.

[ 2021 ~ now ]

- Korea data industry promotion agency MyData design consulting for Kdata (Korea Data Agency)
- Production and distribution of MyData guidelines for Kdata
- Data standardization plan for global MyData activation for Kdata
- Several MyData conference forum announcements 
(Reference URL - https://youtu.be/dHdOBWe0ljA)